Warning: Price goes up to $40 Friday

Just a reminder that the price to attend WordCamp Fayetteville 2011 goes up to $40 after Friday.

You may ask yourself, why do we raise the price? Is it just to be greedy organizers desperate to suck every dollar we can from you?

No. The truth is that as we get closer to the date, it becomes increasingly difficult to adjust things like food, T-shirts and space when registrations pour in at the last minute.

So we create a financial incentive for you to register early.

And guess what? You can still use the coupon code “ozarksunbound” and receive $10 off the cost to attend. That ends Friday as well.

Just register quick. The next stage are tickets that don’t guaranty a t-shirt or lunch.

And WordCamp Fayetteville wants to provide you with food, clothing and shelter for a day so you can focus on the most important thing – having a great time with other bloggers and developers and business people.




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