Sponsor highlight: Bluehost

With more than 20 years of experience, Bluehost is a global leader in web hosting. As one of the largest web hosting providers, over two million websites owners use Bluehost to ensure their websites run efficiently on their secure, professionally monitored Linux servers.

Bluehost offers hosting packages that include unlimited features with no additional fees, contracts, or gimmicks. Currently, for $3.49 a month and the most “basic” package, the web host offers a free domain, site builders, one-click WordPress install and 24/7 support. In the company’s next tiered package—the most popular option at $5.95 per month—Bluehost customers also receive unlimited disk space, monthly bandwidth,

In the company’s next tiered package—the most popular option at $5.95 per month—Bluehost customers also receive unlimited disk space, monthly bandwidth, emailbox, MySQL and PostgreSQL, up to $200 marketing credit from Google Adwords or Facebook, as well as free site promotion tools, professional e-Commerce Shopping cart, 1-click script installer for WordPress, Drupal, and more.

“The goal is to always provide industry-leading service for the best possible price,” according to Bluehost’s social media. “To stay ahead of the pack we constantly innovate, upgrade, and improve our services at no additional cost to our clients.”
Bluehost has recently began offering special rates and hosting packages for students and non-profits. For students, Bluehost offers their base package of domain name and tech support, but also continual hosting, even after graduation. According to their website, “When you graduate, your account stays open, your site stays up, and you can continue adding and making changes as usual. You’ll want it so you can show your handiwork to future employers and international spy recruiting agencies.”

And for non-profits, through their partnership with Grassroots.org, all qualifying 501c3 organizations can enjoy their web hosting services free of charge. To find out if your organization qualifies, visit https://www.bluehost.com/nonprofit.

Bluehost is an Admin level sponsor of WordCamp Fayetteville.

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