Why Are So Many Automatticians Coming to WordCamp Fayetteville?

This question came up here in Paris as we’re getting ready for WordCamp Europe. Konstantin had a question about the schedule, and I mentioned that we had quite a few speakers from WordPress this year.

“How many?” he asked. We were enjoying lunch by the canal, me and some Automatticians.

“Five,” I said.

Everyone turned to stare. Five official WordPressers at one little WordCamp in Arkansas?

“Well, a few came last year and they had a good time,” I explained. “They told their friends. We also have community organizers from several different towns coming this year.”

The staring continued. WordPress Europe, sure. WordPress USA, naturally. But how could we get so much firepower in a town nobody had even heard of?

I had the explanation. “We’re the friendliest WordCamp in the world,” I assured them. Modestly.

Word is spreading.

Get your tickets today and find out why our little local WordCamp draws WordPress leaders.

4 thoughts on “Why Are So Many Automatticians Coming to WordCamp Fayetteville?

  1. I’m looking forward to the Fayetteville WordCamp. Every year I wish I had gone, but this year I am finally able to do it. I have one burning question I hope to get answered by one of the experts while I’m there!

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