WordCamp 2018 Speakers: Eric Huber

Eric Huber has spoken at most Fayetteville WordCamps. The only exceptions have been the years when he was lead organizer. So you might already know that his presentations are high energy, fun, and informative.

If you haven’t yet enjoyed one of  Eric’s presentations, this year is a great opportunity. Eric will be discussing design for your website and your life.

Eric is cofounder and COO at Blue Zoo Creative, with a couple of decades of award-winning web design work under his belt, as well as corporate experience.

Read his take on living the creative life:

Living a Creative Life


Sponsor Highlight: WP TopHat

WP Top Hat brings something unique to WordCamp Fayetteville this year. As one of our first ever Media Sponsors, Top Hat Owner and Founder Wolf Bishop will be offering a live stream broadcast of our event, including interviews with attendees, sponsors, and speakers. This is the first time we’ve had a live stream so this is pretty big!

Wolf has been blogging a bit about WordCamp Fayetteville and he recently provided the update that the live streams can be found here.

So what does WP Top Hat do when not live streaming WordCamp Fayetteville? They help you plan, build or improve your WordPress site.

Specifically, according to their website:

  • Design and Development
  • Site Security
  • Security.

WordCamp 2018 Speakers: Travis Pflanz

Travis Pflanz comes to us from Kansas City, where he is a WordCamp organizer and the owner of Web Works of Kansas City. In his free time, Travis volunteers at Wayside Waifs Humane Society, serves on the Spay & Neuter KC Advisory Council and organizes the Kansas City Dog Club

Travis spoke last year at WordCamp Fayetteville for the first time. This year he will be sharing ways to integrate WordPress and Facebook — and to automate the process.

See Travis’s presentation from WordCamp KC 2018 below.


Sponsor highlight: WooCommerce

Have something you need to sell? Our gold-level sponsor WooCommerce provides a solution for you and your WordPress site. Whether you’re selling a few handcrafted items to a niche market, taking an existing business online, or going global with an enterprise level e-commerce business – WooCommerce will get you set up and selling fast and scale securely as you grow.

Founded in 2008, WooCommerce is an open source e-commerce solution that allows you to sell directly from your site, thus giving you ultimate control compared to if you had to redirect your sales page to a different online platform.

For Developers, WooCommerce provides easy-to-create store-front that was designed through the collaborative effort of 350 contributors. WooCommerce uses plugins, extensions, and other developer tools to design the store you want with the documentation you need.

For Store Owners, WooCommerce provides a “one-stop shop” as it includes the ability to feature a variety of digital and physical products, as well as offering a full cart and checkout experience. You can choose themes, colors and other features that blends your online marketplace into the rest of your branding. The ease of adding products and managing the built-in payment process makes WooCommerce an easy choice for more than 28 percent of the world’s e-commerce merchants. What’s more, WooCommerce is a tool that does not take any transaction fees like other online merchant providers.

A company with useful products is made even better with a strong mission in mind. According to the WooCommerce website, they “want to be the ultimate WordPress toolkit provider to empower people to build greater things with WordPress.”

WooCommerce as a company celebrates these ideas:

  • People are at the heart of all they do, both inside the company and their customers
  • Innovation in all forms helps people do great things
  • Global thinking with the open-source philosophy in mind
  • Growth in all things including influence, skills, services, market share, and thought leadership
  • Fun in all things.

WordPress Speakers 2018: Rachel Korpella

Rachel Korpella is a local WordPress designer who also does branding and print design. You see some of her designs on this website.

Rachel is speaking on UX design — that is, user experience — this year. She’s ready to share the basics of creating a WordPress website that leads people through the site in comfort. A website like this increases conversions, too, so it’s a win-win for business or blog owners.

Read a blog post from Rachel on her networking journey. Then get your WordCamp Fayetteville 2018 ticket. Not only will you have the chance to learn about design, content, publishing, and entrepreneurship, but you”ll also find a great networking opportunity.



WordCamp Speakers 2018: Wolf Bishop

Wolf Bishop is coming back to  WordCamp Fayetteville this year from his homestead near St. Louis. He spoke last year and we’re delighted to have him back.

Wolf is a Certified WordPress Developer who has developed custom themes and plugins as well as a variety of WordPress websites.He is also the founder of WP Top Hat, a WordPress maintenance company which is one of our sponsors.

Wolf and Top Hat will be live streaming some sessions of the conference, as well as some conversations. You can vote for the sessions you’d like to see live streamed.

Get to know Wolf a little by reading a post at Pressable, describing Wolf’s life as a remote worker:




Doomsday Coffee

Doomsday Coffee is a veteran-owned business in the Evelyn Hills shopping center in Fayetteville. They’ll be sponsoring WordCamp Fayetteville this year, helping to keep everyone fully caffeinated.

Owner Jason Collins donates a percentage of profits on all beans sold to veterans’ causes. Of particular interest — and the starting point for this business — is the problem of veterans’ suicide. This nationwide problem inspired the name of the business.

Collins and his wife roast beans, largely sourced in South America. They love to serve the community, and we’re thankful for their support!

WordPress Speakers 2018: Charmaine Beleele

Charmaine Beleele has worked as a teacher, a reporter, a medical executive assistant, a photographer, and more. She brings all this life experience into her current work as a professional blogger.

Speaking for the first time at a WordCamp this year at WordCamp Fayetteville, Charmaine is presenting “Blog in a Bag,” a structure for new bloggers — or experienced bloggers who are ready to add a little structure.

Charmaine’s presentation will be full of tips and tracks for bloggers! Read her post to get  a taste, then buy your ticket so you won’t miss out.





Sponsors: SimpleMachine

SimpleMachine is a local company engaged in digital and print marketing. They’re a family outfit, and enthusiastic members of the local WordPress community.

“We love WordPress!” says Sean Morrison. “We aren’t able to speak again this year, but would like to be a part of the event. We would love to help sponsor the event to help keep this wonderful event running, to help promote the wonders of WordPress, and to help businesses and individuals learn more about the power of WordPress in NWA. It’s one way we can give back to the platform that runs our business and our client’s businesses.”

We appreciate SimpleMachine’s support of WordCamp 2018!

Micro-sponsorships: a small way of giving back that makes a huge difference

by Jamie Smith, sponsor wrangler

This year holds many firsts for WordCamp Fayetteville and, in some ways, WordCamp at large. One development that excites me the most is the addition of micro-sponsorships. I love that we now have a small way of making a huge difference.

Traditional sponsorship levels start at $250, which would be out of reach for most individuals and even some small companies. I get it! This is the first year that I’ve been able to contribute as more than a speaker and volunteer. The addition of micro-sponsorships gives the average person the ability to show their support in a small yet meaningful way.

As we explain on our tickets booth page, micro-sponsorships are an “enhanced” ticket you can purchase that includes the $20 for your own ticket plus a chosen amount added on to support WordCamp efforts. The committee has been so impressed with our community that has given more generously than we even expected.

This tells us that people see the value in what the WordCamp Fayetteville community provides. 

I recently conducted a poll in our online meetup group that asked how many WordCamp Fayetteville events that group members have attended so far. While I only got about 25 or so responses, the results showed that about 40 percent of the people had only attended one WordCamp Fayetteville and most of the remaining responses indicated they had attended at least two events.

Four of those responding (including myself) have attended all eight previous WordCamp Fayetteville events and are signed up to attend this year.

What does this tell me? My biggest takeaway is that WordCamp Fayetteville has consistently provided quality content that people want to return. This means two things to me: that new people can be assured of quality content year after year, and that returning participants are accumulating an amazing amount of knowledge and community through attending each time.

Ticket prices are consistently incredibly low. This year, they are only $20 for a full weekend of learning, fun, community, and food. In most places, the t-shirt alone would cost that much! We are blessed in Northwest Arkansas to have many fantastic learning opportunities including conferences that would cost $100-200 for just one day. With WCFAY, you’re getting all of that for $20 thanks to our sponsors.

For those of us who have attended all eight WordCamps Fayettevilles, that means we have received at least $1,000 worth of training for having spent around $100. Not to mention the thousands of dollars I’ve personally saved myself and clients through getting free help in the community.

Our committee just announced that our early bird ticket sales have been extended until June 9. The early bird tickets are what gets you a guaranteed lunch choice and t-shirt. I hope that you will consider the consistent value you have received and will continue to receive through WordCamp Fayetteville. More importantly, I hope you will see how this simple event empowers an entire community.

Do you have your ticket yet? If not, get it now! And consider clicking on the micro-sponsor option. https://2018.fayetteville.wordcamp.org/tickets/



2018 WordCamp Fayetteville is over. Check out the next edition!