10 Tips to Prepare for WordCamp

WordCamp Fayetteville is this weekend! As you’re preparing for your first WordCamp or even your 15th you may have some questions. Here are 10 ways to prepare for WordCamp Fayetteville 2018 to get the most out of your WordCamp experience.

  1. Bring a reusable water bottle. Yes, we will be providing an assortment of beverages including coffee, tea, lemonade, and water but being able to refill a bigger bottle to stay hydrated can always be useful. The Don W. Reynolds Center also provides multiple places to refill your water bottle with ease.
  2. Bring a jacket. I know it’s the end of June and Summer has hit NWA like a whirlwind, but indoor temperatures can be unpredictable. It’s always nice to be able to cover up if you need to.
  3. Pack some Business Cards. WCFay is a great place to network and meet new like-minded people. It’s always good to stay in touch even after WordCamp is over so bring some business cards to pass out to the people you meet.
  4. Bring your phone and a charger. You’ll want to capture all the excitement of the day whether that be tweeting, taking pictures, or exchanging info. You also can’t do that with a dead battery so bring your charger. We will be providing many charging stations to keep you recharged.
  5. Avoid the perfume and cologne. We all want to smell nice, but some people can have very adverse reactions to strong smells such as perfume, cologne, or even lotion. We want everyone to be as comfortable as possible.
  6. Wear Comfy Clothes. At WordCamp Fayetteville, we’re all pretty relaxed here so wear clothes that you feel comfortable in. There will be a lot of sitting involved during the sessions so think about that when picking out your outfit.
  7. Bring a laptop, if you want. Laptops are very welcome at WCFay and we have lots of power and wi-fi to keep you charged up and cruising the internet. That being said Laptops are not a WordCamp must have, if you don’t want to lug it around all day or feel like it might be more of a distraction feel free to leave it at home and bring some paper instead.
  8. Prepare to take notes. WCFay is full of so much valuable information it’s easy to miss stuff. Bring a notepad, tablet, laptop, whatever you find it easiest to take notes on, so you can jot down all of the most valuable information.
  9. Bring an appetite. We will be having a light breakfast, a boxed lunch, and tons of snacks and treats to keep you energized throughout the day so come ready to enjoy.
  10. Have a fun-loving attitude. This year our moto is More Fun. More WordPress. so you can expect just that. Come with an open mind and be ready to learn and have fun.

We look forward to seeing you this weekend June 22nd – 24th . If you have any questions at the event you can always ask one of our volunteers, they will be wearing the green WordCamp shirts. If any questions arise before the event feel free to email our lead organizer, Scarlett Isbell, at scarlettphill@outlook.com.

Micro-sponsorships: a small way of giving back that makes a huge difference

by Jamie Smith, sponsor wrangler

This year holds many firsts for WordCamp Fayetteville and, in some ways, WordCamp at large. One development that excites me the most is the addition of micro-sponsorships. I love that we now have a small way of making a huge difference.

Traditional sponsorship levels start at $250, which would be out of reach for most individuals and even some small companies. I get it! This is the first year that I’ve been able to contribute as more than a speaker and volunteer. The addition of micro-sponsorships gives the average person the ability to show their support in a small yet meaningful way.

As we explain on our tickets booth page, micro-sponsorships are an “enhanced” ticket you can purchase that includes the $20 for your own ticket plus a chosen amount added on to support WordCamp efforts. The committee has been so impressed with our community that has given more generously than we even expected.

This tells us that people see the value in what the WordCamp Fayetteville community provides. 

I recently conducted a poll in our online meetup group that asked how many WordCamp Fayetteville events that group members have attended so far. While I only got about 25 or so responses, the results showed that about 40 percent of the people had only attended one WordCamp Fayetteville and most of the remaining responses indicated they had attended at least two events.

Four of those responding (including myself) have attended all eight previous WordCamp Fayetteville events and are signed up to attend this year.

What does this tell me? My biggest takeaway is that WordCamp Fayetteville has consistently provided quality content that people want to return. This means two things to me: that new people can be assured of quality content year after year, and that returning participants are accumulating an amazing amount of knowledge and community through attending each time.

Ticket prices are consistently incredibly low. This year, they are only $20 for a full weekend of learning, fun, community, and food. In most places, the t-shirt alone would cost that much! We are blessed in Northwest Arkansas to have many fantastic learning opportunities including conferences that would cost $100-200 for just one day. With WCFAY, you’re getting all of that for $20 thanks to our sponsors.

For those of us who have attended all eight WordCamps Fayettevilles, that means we have received at least $1,000 worth of training for having spent around $100. Not to mention the thousands of dollars I’ve personally saved myself and clients through getting free help in the community.

Our committee just announced that our early bird ticket sales have been extended until June 9. The early bird tickets are what gets you a guaranteed lunch choice and t-shirt. I hope that you will consider the consistent value you have received and will continue to receive through WordCamp Fayetteville. More importantly, I hope you will see how this simple event empowers an entire community.

Do you have your ticket yet? If not, get it now! And consider clicking on the micro-sponsor option. https://2018.fayetteville.wordcamp.org/tickets/



2018 WordCamp Fayetteville is over. Check out the next edition!